anyway, there is an episode of sex and the city where carrie talks about how women will keep clothing they will never wear again, yet we throw away an ex-boyfriend without an afterthought. since sex and the city is (partially) my relationship bible, i decided that i could definitely try to make a friendship work. afterall, what's the worst that could happen?
so here starts my blogging about my adventures into friendship-dom with an ex-boyfriend (i'm sure i will have some other blogs posted here and there, but i am going to continually update about my: exploration-into-a-friendship-with-a-member-of-the-opposite-sex-that-i-am-still-very-attracted-to for all my valued readers (jeanne) and the entire world wide web to see! i'm sure he will appreciate knowing that i'm writing about all of this on the interweb, ha).
Meeting #1 (okay, well probably more like meeting #3 but for continuity issues i will entitle this meeting one).
Hung out at his house, hung out at the bar, watched a movie, he slept over (nothing happened!), he left in the morning, fin.
i've omitted all the nitty gritty parts like me saying that i will never talk to him ever again if he uses me (yes, i am a drama queen haha), or how we both openly admitted to missing each other or how we were pretty much flirting with each other the entire time...
Prognosis: We still get along very well on a romantic level, but can this really get past the flirtation stage? Friends (normally) don't flirt with each other, yet I continue to let it happen.
Ex-boyfriend: 1, Carissa: 0.
The score board is right. And the nitty gritty details is really where you let the ball slip past the goalie my friend.